About Us

Welcome to St. Paul’s United Church of Christ. Nowadays, many people begin their search for a church on the web, so we’re glad you’re here. We hope you like what you see, and that you’ll visit soon. We love curious questions, so please call or e-mail any time.

St. Paul’s Church was founded as St. Paul’s German Evangelical Church in 1880. Since 1957, we have been a member congregation of the United Church of Christ, a unity of the Evangelical and Reformed church and the Congregational Christian churches.

We remain a vital and active church, ever seeking new ways to renew and remake ourselves to meet the needs of each generation, while remaining true to our faithful Christian heritage.

Our Pastor is Rev. Brian Brosz. He can be reached at 320-587-7798. Feel free to contact him any time for any reason.

Our Mission:

Our mission is to be a welcoming place of worship that encourages people to deepen their faith in Jesus Christ and find their place as a follower of Christ.

Our worship service is fairly informal and based in the tradition of the Evangelical Reformed branch of the United Church of Christ. We strive to incorporate contemporary and global faith expressions in the words and music of worship.

Our Christian Education program on Sunday mornings includes classes for ages 3 – 8th grade and an adult Bible study. Seventh and eighth graders also participate in Confirmation preparation. In the summer we host an open Vacation Bible School.

Youth fellowship for 7th-12th grade students meets at least monthly for spiritual formation, mission, and fellowship. The Women’s Guild is a monthly gathering of church women for fellowship and outreach. Men meet weekly for morning coffee.

Our Prayer Chain Ministry includes a monthly Prayer Meeting and occasional workshops for the wider community. Our congregation supports local missions through the McLeod County Food Shelf and Church in the Park. We help support a pastor in the Dominican Republic through Kingdom Builders and send a mission delegation to the Dominican each winter. We contribute to the missions of the United Church of Christ through giving to Our Church’s Wider Mission, One Great Hour of Sharing, and Chicago, United, Eden (CUE) Seminary Support.

We invite you to visit and experience the love and fellowship of God’s family at St. Paul’s United Church of Christ.